Source code for bootstrap4.templatetags.bootstrap4

from math import floor
from urllib.parse import parse_qs, urlparse, urlunparse

from django import template
from django.contrib.messages import constants as message_constants
from django.template import Context
from django.utils.http import urlencode
from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe

from ..bootstrap import css_url, get_bootstrap_setting, javascript_url, jquery_slim_url, jquery_url, theme_url
from ..components import render_alert
from ..forms import (
from ..utils import (

    message_constants.DEBUG: "alert alert-warning",
    message_constants.INFO: "alert alert-info",
    message_constants.SUCCESS: "alert alert-success",
    message_constants.WARNING: "alert alert-warning",
    message_constants.ERROR: "alert alert-danger",

register = template.Library()

def bootstrap_setting(value):
    Get a setting.

    A simple way to read bootstrap settings in a template.
    Please consider this filter private for now, do not use it in your own templates.
    return get_bootstrap_setting(value)

def bootstrap_message_classes(message):
    """Return the message classes for a message."""
    extra_tags = None
        extra_tags = message.extra_tags
    except AttributeError:
    if not extra_tags:
        extra_tags = ""
    classes = [extra_tags]
        level = message.level
    except AttributeError:
        except KeyError:
            classes.append("alert alert-danger")
    return " ".join(classes).strip()

[docs] @register.simple_tag def bootstrap_jquery_url(): """ Return url to full version of jQuery. **Tag name**:: bootstrap_jquery_url Return the full url to jQuery plugin to use Default value: ```` This value is configurable, see Settings section **Usage**:: {% bootstrap_jquery_url %} **Example**:: {% bootstrap_jquery_url %} """ return jquery_url()
@register.simple_tag def bootstrap_jquery_slim_url(): """ Return url to slim version of jQuery. **Tag name**:: bootstrap_jquery_slim_url Return the full url to slim jQuery plugin to use Default value: ```` This value is configurable, see Settings section **Usage**:: {% bootstrap_jquery_slim_url %} **Example**:: {% bootstrap_jquery_slim_url %} """ return jquery_slim_url()
[docs] @register.simple_tag def bootstrap_javascript_url(): """ Return the full url to the Bootstrap JavaScript library. Default value: ``None`` This value is configurable, see Settings section **Tag name**:: bootstrap_javascript_url **Usage**:: {% bootstrap_javascript_url %} **Example**:: {% bootstrap_javascript_url %} """ return javascript_url()
[docs] @register.simple_tag def bootstrap_css_url(): """ Return the full url to the Bootstrap CSS library. Default value: ``None`` This value is configurable, see Settings section **Tag name**:: bootstrap_css_url **Usage**:: {% bootstrap_css_url %} **Example**:: {% bootstrap_css_url %} """ return css_url()
@register.simple_tag def bootstrap_theme_url(): """ Return the full url to a Bootstrap theme CSS library. Default value: ``None`` This value is configurable, see Settings section **Tag name**:: bootstrap_theme_url **Usage**:: {% bootstrap_theme_url %} **Example**:: {% bootstrap_theme_url %} """ return theme_url()
[docs] @register.simple_tag def bootstrap_css(): """ Return HTML for Bootstrap CSS. If no CSS url is available, return empty string. Default value: ``None`` This value is configurable, see Settings section **Tag name**:: bootstrap_css **Usage**:: {% bootstrap_css %} **Example**:: {% bootstrap_css %} """ rendered_urls = [] if bootstrap_css_url(): rendered_urls.append(render_link_tag(bootstrap_css_url())) if bootstrap_theme_url(): rendered_urls.append(render_link_tag(bootstrap_theme_url())) return mark_safe("".join([url for url in rendered_urls]))
@register.simple_tag def bootstrap_jquery(jquery=True): """ Return HTML for jQuery tag. Adjust the url dict in settings. If no url is returned, we don't want this statement to return any HTML. This is intended behavior. This value is configurable, see Settings section. Note that any value that evaluates to True and is not "slim" will be interpreted as True. **Tag name**:: bootstrap_jquery **Parameters**:: :jquery: False|"slim"|True (default=True) **Usage**:: {% bootstrap_jquery %} **Example**:: {% bootstrap_jquery jquery='slim' %} """ if not jquery: return "" elif jquery == "slim": jquery = get_bootstrap_setting("jquery_slim_url") else: jquery = get_bootstrap_setting("jquery_url") if isinstance(jquery, str): jquery = dict(src=jquery) else: jquery = jquery.copy() jquery.setdefault("src", jquery.pop("url", None)) return render_tag("script", attrs=jquery)
[docs] @register.simple_tag def bootstrap_javascript(jquery=False): """ Return HTML for Bootstrap JavaScript. Adjust url in settings. If no url is returned, we don't want this statement to return any HTML. This is intended behavior. Default value: False This value is configurable, see Settings section. Note that any value that evaluates to True and is not "slim" will be interpreted as True. **Tag name**:: bootstrap_javascript **Parameters**:: :jquery: False|"slim"|True (default=False) **Usage**:: {% bootstrap_javascript %} **Example**:: {% bootstrap_javascript jquery="slim" %} """ # List of JS tags to include javascript_tags = [] # Get jquery value from setting or leave default. jquery = jquery or get_bootstrap_setting("include_jquery", False) # Include jQuery if the option is passed if jquery: javascript_tags.append(bootstrap_jquery(jquery=jquery)) # Bootstrap 4 JavaScript bootstrap_js_url = bootstrap_javascript_url() if bootstrap_js_url: javascript_tags.append(render_script_tag(bootstrap_js_url)) # Join and return return mark_safe("\n".join(javascript_tags))
[docs] @register.simple_tag def bootstrap_formset(*args, **kwargs): """ Render a formset. **Tag name**:: bootstrap_formset **Parameters**:: formset The formset that is being rendered See bootstrap_field_ for other arguments **Usage**:: {% bootstrap_formset formset %} **Example**:: {% bootstrap_formset formset layout='horizontal' %} """ return render_formset(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @register.simple_tag def bootstrap_formset_errors(*args, **kwargs): """ Render formset errors. **Tag name**:: bootstrap_formset_errors **Parameters**:: formset The formset that is being rendered layout Context value that is available in the template ``bootstrap4/form_errors.html`` as ``layout``. **Usage**:: {% bootstrap_formset_errors formset %} **Example**:: {% bootstrap_formset_errors formset layout='inline' %} """ return render_formset_errors(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @register.simple_tag def bootstrap_form(*args, **kwargs): """ Render a form. **Tag name**:: bootstrap_form **Parameters**:: form The form that is to be rendered exclude A list of field names (comma separated) that should not be rendered E.g. exclude=subject,bcc alert_error_type Control which type of errors should be rendered in global form alert. One of the following values: * ``'all'`` * ``'fields'`` * ``'non_fields'`` :default: ``'non_fields'`` See bootstrap_field_ for other arguments **Usage**:: {% bootstrap_form form %} **Example**:: {% bootstrap_form form layout='inline' %} """ return render_form(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @register.simple_tag def bootstrap_form_errors(*args, **kwargs): """ Render form errors. **Tag name**:: bootstrap_form_errors **Parameters**:: form The form that is to be rendered type Control which type of errors should be rendered. One of the following values: * ``'all'`` * ``'fields'`` * ``'non_fields'`` :default: ``'all'`` layout Context value that is available in the template ``bootstrap4/form_errors.html`` as ``layout``. **Usage**:: {% bootstrap_form_errors form %} **Example**:: {% bootstrap_form_errors form layout='inline' %} """ return render_form_errors(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @register.simple_tag def bootstrap_field(*args, **kwargs): """ Render a field. **Tag name**:: bootstrap_field **Parameters**:: field The form field to be rendered layout If set to ``'horizontal'`` then the field and label will be rendered side-by-side, as long as there is no ``field_class`` set as well. form_group_class CSS class of the ``div`` that wraps the field and label. :default: ``'form-group'`` field_class CSS class of the ``div`` that wraps the field. label_class CSS class of the ``label`` element. Will always have ``control-label`` as the last CSS class. form_check_class CSS class of the ``div`` element wrapping the label and input when rendering checkboxes and radio buttons. show_help Show the field's help text, if the field has help text. :default: ``True`` show_label Whether the show the label of the field. * ``True`` * ``False``/``'sr-only'`` * ``'skip'`` :default: ``True`` exclude A list of field names that should not be rendered size Controls the size of the rendered ``div.form-group`` through the use of CSS classes. One of the following values: * ``'small'`` * ``'medium'`` * ``'large'`` placeholder Sets the placeholder text of a textbox horizontal_label_class Class used on the label when the ``layout`` is set to ``horizontal``. :default: ``'col-md-3'``. Can be changed in :doc:`settings` horizontal_field_class Class used on the field when the ``layout`` is set to ``horizontal``. :default: ``'col-md-9'``. Can be changed in :doc:`settings` addon_before Text that should be prepended to the form field. Can also be an icon, e.g. ``'<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-calendar"></span>'`` See the `Bootstrap docs <>` for more examples. addon_after Text that should be appended to the form field. Can also be an icon, e.g. ``'<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-calendar"></span>'`` See the `Bootstrap docs <>` for more examples. addon_before_class Class used on the span when ``addon_before`` is used. One of the following values: * ``'input-group-text'`` * ``None`` Set to None to disable the span inside the addon. (for use with buttons) :default: ``input-group-text`` addon_after_class Class used on the span when ``addon_after`` is used. One of the following values: * ``'input-group-text'`` * ``None`` Set to None to disable the span inside the addon. (for use with buttons) :default: ``input-group-text`` error_css_class CSS class used when the field has an error :default: ``'has-error'``. Can be changed :doc:`settings` required_css_class CSS class used on the ``div.form-group`` to indicate a field is required :default: ``''``. Can be changed :doc:`settings` bound_css_class CSS class used when the field is bound :default: ``'has-success'``. Can be changed :doc:`settings` **Usage**:: {% bootstrap_field field %} **Example**:: {% bootstrap_field field show_label=False %} """ return render_field(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @register.simple_tag() def bootstrap_label(*args, **kwargs): """ Render a label. **Tag name**:: bootstrap_label **Parameters**:: content The label's text label_for The value that will be in the ``for`` attribute of the rendered ``<label>`` label_class The CSS class for the rendered ``<label>`` label_title The value that will be in the ``title`` attribute of the rendered ``<label>`` **Usage**:: {% bootstrap_label content %} **Example**:: {% bootstrap_label "Email address" label_for="exampleInputEmail1" %} """ return render_label(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @register.simple_tag def bootstrap_button(*args, **kwargs): """ Render a button. **Tag name**:: bootstrap_button **Parameters**:: content The text to be displayed in the button button_type Optional field defining what type of button this is. Accepts one of the following values: * ``'submit'`` * ``'reset'`` * ``'button'`` * ``'link'`` button_class The class of button to use. If none is given, btn-primary will be used. extra_classes Any extra CSS classes that should be added to the button. size Optional field to control the size of the button. Accepts one of the following values: * ``'xs'`` * ``'sm'`` * ``'small'`` * ``'md'`` * ``'medium'`` * ``'lg'`` * ``'large'`` href Render the button as an ``<a>`` element. The ``href`` attribute is set with this value. If a ``button_type`` other than ``link`` is defined, specifying a ``href`` will throw a ``ValueError`` exception. name Value of the ``name`` attribute of the rendered element. value Value of the ``value`` attribute of the rendered element. **Usage**:: {% bootstrap_button content %} **Example**:: {% bootstrap_button "Save" button_type="submit" button_class="btn-primary" %} """ return render_button(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @register.simple_tag def bootstrap_alert(content, alert_type="info", dismissible=True): """ Render an alert. **Tag name**:: bootstrap_alert **Parameters**:: content HTML content of alert alert_type * ``'info'`` * ``'warning'`` * ``'danger'`` * ``'success'`` :default: ``'info'`` dismissible boolean, is alert dismissible :default: ``True`` **Usage**:: {% bootstrap_alert content %} **Example**:: {% bootstrap_alert "Something went wrong" alert_type='danger' %} """ return render_alert(content, alert_type, dismissible)
[docs] @register.tag("buttons") def bootstrap_buttons(parser, token): """ Render buttons for form. **Tag name**:: buttons **Parameters**:: submit Text for a submit button reset Text for a reset button **Usage**:: {% buttons %}{% endbuttons %} **Example**:: {% buttons submit='OK' reset="Cancel" %}{% endbuttons %} """ kwargs = parse_token_contents(parser, token) kwargs["nodelist"] = parser.parse(("endbuttons",)) parser.delete_first_token() return ButtonsNode(**kwargs)
class ButtonsNode(template.Node): def __init__(self, nodelist, args, kwargs, asvar, **kwargs2): self.nodelist = nodelist self.args = args self.kwargs = kwargs self.asvar = asvar def render(self, context): output_kwargs = {} for key in self.kwargs: output_kwargs[key] = handle_var(self.kwargs[key], context) buttons = [] submit = output_kwargs.get("submit", None) reset = output_kwargs.get("reset", None) if submit: buttons.append(bootstrap_button(submit, "submit")) if reset: buttons.append(bootstrap_button(reset, "reset")) buttons = " ".join(buttons) + self.nodelist.render(context) output_kwargs.update({"label": None, "field": buttons}) css_class = output_kwargs.pop("form_group_class", "form-group") output = render_form_group(render_field_and_label(**output_kwargs), css_class=css_class) if self.asvar: context[self.asvar] = output return "" else: return output
[docs] @register.simple_tag(takes_context=True) def bootstrap_messages(context, *args, **kwargs): """ Show django.contrib.messages Messages in Bootstrap alert containers. In order to make the alerts dismissible (with the close button), we have to set the jquery parameter too when using the bootstrap_javascript tag. Uses the template ``bootstrap4/messages.html``. **Tag name**:: bootstrap_messages **Parameters**:: None. **Usage**:: {% bootstrap_messages %} **Example**:: {% bootstrap_javascript jquery=True %} {% bootstrap_messages %} """ # Force Context to dict if isinstance(context, Context): context = context.flatten() context.update({"message_constants": message_constants}) return render_template_file("bootstrap4/messages.html", context=context)
[docs] @register.inclusion_tag("bootstrap4/pagination.html") def bootstrap_pagination(page, **kwargs): """ Render pagination for a page. **Tag name**:: bootstrap_pagination **Parameters**:: page The page of results to show. pages_to_show Number of pages in total :default: ``11`` url URL to navigate to for pagination forward and pagination back. :default: ``None`` size Controls the size of the pagination through CSS. Defaults to being normal sized. One of the following: * ``'small'`` * ``'large'`` :default: ``None`` extra Any extra page parameters. :default: ``None`` parameter_name Name of the paging URL parameter. :default: ``'page'`` **Usage**:: {% bootstrap_pagination page %} **Example**:: {% bootstrap_pagination lines url="/pagination?page=1" size="large" %} **Tip**:: If you want to repeat the query string arguments in subsequent pagination links, use the "extra" parameter with "request.GET.urlencode": {% bootstrap_pagination page_obj extra=request.GET.urlencode %} """ pagination_kwargs = kwargs.copy() pagination_kwargs["page"] = page return get_pagination_context(**pagination_kwargs)
@register.simple_tag def bootstrap_url_replace_param(url, name, value): return url_replace_param(url, name, value) def get_pagination_context( page, pages_to_show=11, url=None, size=None, justify_content=None, extra=None, parameter_name="page" ): """Generate Bootstrap pagination context from a page object.""" pages_to_show = int(pages_to_show) if pages_to_show < 1: raise ValueError(f"Pagination pages_to_show should be a positive integer, you specified {pages_to_show}.") num_pages = page.paginator.num_pages current_page = page.number half_page_num = int(floor(pages_to_show / 2)) if half_page_num < 0: half_page_num = 0 first_page = current_page - half_page_num if first_page <= 1: first_page = 1 if first_page > 1: pages_back = first_page - half_page_num if pages_back < 1: pages_back = 1 else: pages_back = None last_page = first_page + pages_to_show - 1 if pages_back is None: last_page += 1 if last_page > num_pages: last_page = num_pages if last_page < num_pages: pages_forward = last_page + half_page_num if pages_forward > num_pages: pages_forward = num_pages else: pages_forward = None if first_page > 1: first_page -= 1 if pages_back is not None and pages_back > 1: pages_back -= 1 else: pages_back = None pages_shown = [] for i in range(first_page, last_page + 1): pages_shown.append(i) # parse the url parts = urlparse(url or "") params = parse_qs(parts.query) # append extra querystring parameters to the url. if extra: params.update(parse_qs(extra)) # build url again. url = urlunparse( [parts.scheme, parts.netloc, parts.path, parts.params, urlencode(params, doseq=True), parts.fragment] ) # Set CSS classes, see pagination_css_classes = ["pagination"] if size == "small": pagination_css_classes.append("pagination-sm") elif size == "large": pagination_css_classes.append("pagination-lg") if justify_content == "start": pagination_css_classes.append("justify-content-start") elif justify_content == "center": pagination_css_classes.append("justify-content-center") elif justify_content == "end": pagination_css_classes.append("justify-content-end") return { "bootstrap_pagination_url": url, "num_pages": num_pages, "current_page": current_page, "first_page": first_page, "last_page": last_page, "pages_shown": pages_shown, "pages_back": pages_back, "pages_forward": pages_forward, "pagination_css_classes": " ".join(pagination_css_classes), "parameter_name": parameter_name, }